Monday, January 16, 2006

They are so predictable.

Right-wingers: On your marks, get set, go:

And smear Walter Cronkite.

PASADENA, Calif. - Former CBS anchor Walter Cronkite, whose 1968 conclusion that the Vietnam War was unwinnable keenly influenced public opinion then, said Sunday he'd say the same thing today about Iraq.

"It's my belief that we should get out now," Cronkite said in a meeting with reporters.


Anonymous said...

Following this link, I found nothing disparaging about Mr. Cronkite, by anyone, right-wing or not. Doesn't this make your tag line itself a bit of a smear on right-wingers?
While we are at it, your repetetive use of the term "right-wingers" is a bit disturbing. It suggests that these are a monolithic and uniformly malevolent group of people, who must be opposed on all occasions and in every possible way. Perhaps this is simply an overflow of the competitive and partisan spirit on your part, but I'd suggest you look over the tone of this blog carefully, with consideration given to the possibility that, rather than informing others about American politics from a distinctive point of view, you may have crossed over the line to demonizing your (perhaps largely mythical) opponents. To put it more simply, consider this--if you were to begin to refer to conservatives and Republicans as vermin, would it substantially alter the tone of this blog?

--Stephen Miller

Anonymous said...

[[Following this link, I found nothing disparaging about Mr. Cronkite, by anyone, right-wing or not. Doesn't this make your tag line itself a bit of a smear on right-wingers?]]

No, my tagline was a PREDICTION that Cronkite's criticism would LEAD to smearing, and my prediction was dead accurate. If you actually want to SEE some smear, try here, for example:

Some choice bits:

"Time for Walter to leave Earth."

"The only thing Cronkite should being doing is taking a dirt nap"

"Walter: Turn up your hearing aid...and now that you can hear me--STFU!"

By not actually linking to such trash I was being nicer to the right-wingers than usual, and had assumed that any reasonably intelligent human being who was paying attention AT ALL would have been aware of the sort of crap routinely indulged in by the right-wingers for about 15 years now.

[[While we are at it, your repetetive use of the term "right-wingers" is a bit disturbing. It suggests that these are a monolithic and uniformly malevolent group of people, who must be opposed on all occasions and in every possible way.]]

They ARE monolithic, which is why they are so utterly predictable. Not only ARE they monolithic, they are PROUD of being monolithic, and total conformity and a willingness for large groups of people to repeat the same propaganda simultaneously is a fundamental part of their strategy. Bushites and Fascists RELY on groupthink.

[[rather than informing others about American politics from a distinctive point of view, you may have crossed over the line to demonizing your (perhaps largely mythical) opponents.]]

Yeah, let's be POLITE to those who defend torture. Let's be POLITE to those who spread lies so that they can start wars which kill tens of thousands of innocent people. Let's be POLITE to those who constantly accuse their fellow Americans of treason. Let's be POLITE to those who routinely practice eliminationist rhetoric. Let's be POLITE to incipient fascists.

[To put it more simply, consider his--if you were to begin to refer to conservatives and Republicans as vermin, would it substantially alter the tone of this blog?]

I would never do that. Vermin are noble and natural creatures. It would be foolish to criticize vermin. What makes right-wingers so reprehensible is that they are unquestionably human, and have perverted their own humanity, nourished the basest impulses in the human breast, and used those impulses to harm others. Vermin are incapable of that.


Anonymous said...

You have convinced me. Right-wingers are reprehensible, perverted, base creatures, who are below vermin. They are monolithic, fascistic, and captured by a terrible groupthink. They are certainly owed none of the civilities of polite discourse, as you are at such pains to point out. In fact, one suspects, on the basis of your enlightening description, that they are owed nothing more than, well, elimination.
Oh, but wait. Eliminationist rhetoric is a feature of the right-wingers. Must be wrong here. So what exactly does one do with those worse than vermin? Maybe there are some nice camps we can find for them, away from decent people?

--Stephen Miller