Tuesday, February 01, 2005

These people are BONKERS

Rumsfeld Seeks to Revive Burrowing Nuclear Bomb
Bush Budget May Fund Program That Congress Cut

Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld sent a memo last month to then-Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham saying next year's budget should include funds to resume study of building an earth-penetrating nuclear weapon designed to destroy hardened underground targets.

An Energy Department official said yesterday that $10.3 million to restart that study is expected to be included in the Bush administration's budget, which is to be released next week.

The deficit is skyrocketing, so let's spend lots of money developing a NEW nuclear weapon.

Don't these clowns realize that you can't persuade other countries to stop nuclear proliferation when you are INCREASING it? We can't pretend to claim the moral high ground when our entire foreign policy is "Do-As-We-Say-Not-As-We-Do" bullshit.

And what do they want bunker busters for? Do they SERIOUSLY anticipate having a use for them? What are they going to do? Drop a nuke to get Osama in his cave? When he isn't IS a cave, and they have no idea where he is?

Or do they just think that they haven't wasted ENOUGH of America's money?

I need a drink.

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