Friday, April 01, 2005

They get letters

To the SF Chronicle:

After Terri Schiavo died, President Bush said, "The essence of civilization is that the strong have a duty to protect the weak."

Because he believes this is his obligation, let him put the feeding tube back into all the public health, education and environmental programs he's cut off.

Let him withdraw the feeding tube from big oil and his buddies who are not weak, who need little subsidy and who hobble the middle and lower classes.

Let him reattach the drip to Social Security.

Bush finds it OK to force government down our throats when it supports his immoral imperatives, but he finds it excessive when government aid might support our disadvantaged.

Frankly, his food-for-the-wealthy program has put our long-term financial well-being into a coma and has created despair at home and bitterness abroad.


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