Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Corruption Cubed

I am beginning to think that the WHOLE purpose of invading Iraq was so that Bush's cronies could make tons of money. This whole operation absolutely wreaks of corruption.

"The U.S. contractor working on the project repeatedly warned the task force headed by Army Lt. Gen. David H. Petraeus that a Lebanese middleman involved in the deal might be routing kickbacks to Iraqi Defense Ministry officials. But senior U.S. military officials did not act on the contractor's pleas for tighter financial controls, according to documents and interviews.

"If we proceed down the road we are currently on, there will be serious legal issues that will land us all in jail," the contractor, Dale Stoffel, wrote in a Nov. 30 e-mail to a senior assistant to Petraeus.

Eight days later, Stoffel was shot dead in an ambush near Baghdad. The killing is being investigated by the FBI, according to people who have been interviewed by the bureau."

At the risk of wearing the tinfoil hat: The occupation of Iraq is making people billions of dollars every DAY.

What would unscrupulous people do for that kind of money?

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