Sunday, July 11, 2004


There are times when I genuinely like Kerry, and this is one of them.

He appears to be unwilling to allow the GOP the grandiose claim of being the party of "values," and he brings it right to them on something they consider their exclusive territory. And he puts it in stark, clear, moral terms:

President Bush has governed in a dishonest fashion, trampling values on every issue except fighting terrorism and leaving voters "clamoring for restoration of credibility and trust in the White House again," John F. Kerry and John Edwards said in an interview.

"The value of truth is one of the most central values in America, and this administration has violated" it, Kerry said in an interview with The Washington Post aboard the Democrats' campaign plane Friday. "Their values system is distorted and not based on truth."...

In one of a series of interviews since teaming up on Tuesday, Kerry and Edwards predicted they would win the political fight over which party best exemplifies the values and ethics of most Americans, but Kerry said they would wage that battle on their terms and not what he called the Republican Party's "little political, hot-button, cultural, wedge-driven, poll-driven values."

Nice. It's about time that someone pointed out that you can't lie all the time, and still claim to represent "old-fashioned values." And pointed out that their "values," like everything else, is all talk and no substance.

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