Thursday, September 07, 2006

United in Patriphobia?

A reader brought this to my attention (thanks RSD), which was floating under the radar:

A new book out called The Architect: Karl Rove and The Master Plan for Absolute Power by James Moore and Wayne Slater reveals the rather startling fact that Rove's stepfather - whom he regarded as a father - divorced his mom and lived as an openly gay man in California. There's an interview with the author here.

Rove is also an agnostic, and it's tough not to attack a guy for stoking the flames of religious homophobia when he's an agnostic with a gay stepfather. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

But maybe that's what Bush and Rove have in common: Father problems. Bush thinks his Dad is a Northeastern effete spineless wussie (one of the few things we may agree on), and the debacle in Iraq is at least partially the fallout of the Little Boy Trying to Kill his Daddy Demons. Maybe Rove attacks gay folks for the same reason,

But, Lord, if they need therapy, please get them the hell out of the White House and into some therapy.

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