Thursday, September 07, 2006

Making their own rules

But the president also adamantly defended the CIA, making it clear that, when it comes to terrorism, the agency will continue to operate under its own code of conduct. Bush said the agency's ``tough but necessary" interrogation methods don't amount to torture and have yielded information that thwarted terrorist attacks and led to the capture of top Al Qaeda leaders.

``I can say that questioning the detainees in this program has given us information that has saved innocent lives by helping us stop new attacks here in the United States and across the world," Bush said.

"Operate under it's own code of conduct." In other words, they can make their own rules, and laws don't apply to them.

And does anybody actually BELEIVE that they've "thwarted" any attacks? You know damned well that if they had thwarted an attack, they'd be trumpeting it to every newspaper in the country.

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