Sunday, June 27, 2004


The religious communities of America are doing our "religious" President's job for him. Thank God SOMEBODY is!

"People have heard apologies coming from American officials, but measures that have been taken haven't convinced them that the apologies are sincere. But hearing apologies from religious Americans struck a chord here."
- Gamal Abdul Gawad, interviewed by NBC News in Egypt about the ad.

The campaign to put an ad on Arab TV expressing sorrow over torture in Iraq has been tremendously successful. Thanks for making it happen! In just a few days, 92,000 people have endorsed the ad and given $150,000! The ad has been featured on MSNBC, CNN and in most major newspapers. Its first run on Arab TV has generated a wonderful response from the Arab world.

The press is also reporting a larger story about as part of a new, progressive, religious movement in America. We are going to run the ad again, and this time we hope to say the message comes from over 100,000 Americans. So please send this to five or ten people you know who might want to be part of this new, progressive, faith movement. The link below leads to the campaign page, where people can endorse the ad or read media coverage.

Together, we'll build a country where hope, justice, community and the common good matter again.

The Team

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