Saturday, March 27, 2004

The Liberal Media Strikes Again

This story just came down the wire. Notice the nearly insane disconnect between the headline and the actual content of the article:


Poll Shows Clarke Hasn't Impacted Bush

WASHINGTON (March 27) - Two-thirds of Americans say the testimony of Richard Clarke, the former terrorism adviser who has been critical of the Bush administration, hasn't affected their view of the president, says a poll released Saturday.

However, public views supporting President Bush's handling of terrorism have dipped from 65 percent to 57 percent in the last month, according to the Newsweek poll. That drop comes at a time the commission investigating the Sept. 11 terror attacks has been publicly questioning officials in the Bush and Clinton administrations about their handling of the terror threat.


According to the article, two-thirds say it hasn't affected their view of Bush.

But that means one-third say it has. That's a HUGE change.

And Bush support has dropped from 65 percent to 57 percent.

But the HEADLINE says that there's been no impact.


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