Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Get 'em, John.

"Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry on Wednesday marked the first anniversary of the war in Iraq by criticizing the Bush administration for stubbornly holding to failed policies that drive away potential allies at the cost of lives and money "with no end in sight."

"Today we know that the mission is not finished, hostilities have not ended, and our men and women in uniform fight on almost alone with the target squarely on their backs," Kerry said in remarks prepared for delivery at George Washington University....

"We are still bogged down in Iraq and the administration stubbornly holds to failed policies that drive potential allies away. What we have seen is a steady loss of lives and mounting cost in dollars with no end in sight..."

Kerry was proposing a "Military Families Bill of Rights" for fully funded health care and other benefits for veterans, faulting Bush for failing to uphold promises to those who served in the armed forces...

Contending veterans were "the neglected soldiers of America," Kerry said proposals by the Bush administration would drive 500,000 veterans from the health care system of the Veterans Administration by 2005.

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