Thursday, December 02, 2004

Check the damned votes.

Enough bullshit. Check the damned votes.

I find it ASTONISHING that Republicans think it is acceptable to be unable to check the accuracy of a vote count. To be honest, I don't know if there was fraud in this election. But see, THAT'S THE PROBLEM. I don't know and I have no way of knowing.

And if you have no way of checking the accuracy of a vote count, fraud WILL happen. Guaranteed. If not this time, next time. Or the time after that. And you will have no way of knowing that it did.

That's not acceptable - that's completely INSANE.

There are citizens who stood there for 10 hours on November 2nd to vote. They have the right to know that their vote was counted. Period.

When I put money in the bank, the bank tells me how much there is to the penny. If I say to them, "You say I have $2,546.56 in the bank, but I'm not sure that's quite right," they get out their stuff and they PROVE, right to the penny. They DON'T say, " MIGHT actually be $2,400 or $2,600, but no significant difference." That would be ludicrous.

But we're supposed to ACCEPT that with our elections.

And if a bank tried anything underhanded, there are checks in place where it would be discovered almost immediately. If there were NO checks in place and no way to catch them, you could GUARANTEE that some banks would rip you off, couldn't you?

Well, if there are no checks on an election and no way to detect fraud, you can ALSO guarantee that someone will rip you off.

We are supposed think estimates are good enough to determine who will be the most powerful person on earth? And leave ourselves no way to detect someone using fraud to BECOME the most powerful person on earth?


And the Republicans think that's OKAY?

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