At one Kerry rally, Kerry supporters intentionally stood in front of those in Bush T-shirts so that the T-shirt couldn't be seen by a camera (bad behavior, no doubt). At the other, they were simply asked not to create a disturbance, but otherwise they were welcome.
"If you create a disturbance, we hold the right to remove you, but other than that, enjoy and hopefully at the end of the event you'll want to wear a Kerry T-shirt."
And what happened to those who wore a Kerry T-shirt to a Bush event? In both cases, they weren't allowed in. They were told there were instructions to not allow them in.
"I'm sorry, but they're Kerry shirts," a female Bush volunteer said. "We were told not to let people with Kerry shirts into the rally."
"Hey folks, it's a private event," said Larry Borman, worker for the Republican National Committee. "Can you find your way to the nearest exit? Maybe some law enforcement can help?"
"You wore the shirts; you wore the shirts," Borman said. "And honestly, if you would have come without the shirts and sat quietly, you would have had a fun time and enjoyed it, but I mean it's not that kind of event." He then instructed the sheriff's deputies to escort the ABC News team out to the parking lot.
As with so many other things, this shouldl tell you all you need to know about the two sides in this campaign.
At Kerry's Boca Raton rally, one of the faithful Democrats could be seen calming a woman upset at the sight of the Bush-Cheney T-shirts.
"Feel proud that we let them in," he said. "That's what democracy is all about, that's what we're fighting for."
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