Friday, September 24, 2004

Barbara and Jenna, your country is calling

A great suggestion from the folks at Outlet Radio:

"Besides, since we've graduated from college, we're looking around for something to do for the next few years ... kind of like Dad."
[Remarks by Barbara and Jenna Bush - 2004 RNC - 08-31-04]

Army Lt. Gen. H. Steven Blum, chief of the National Guard Bureau, said in an interview at his Pentagon office that the shortfall for the budget year ending Sept. 30 is likely to be about 5,000 soldiers. That is a little more than 1 percent of the total Army Guard force of 350,000.

"This is something that can't be ignored. I've got to watch it every day,'' he said. "But it's not something that I would say indicates that we're breaking. I think it indicates that the recruiting climate has gotten tougher, and that means we need to adjust to a tougher market.''

[General: Guard Won't Meet Recruiting Goal - AP - 09-23-04]


Great idea. I'd go further, and suggest that they could make up those 5,000 troops EASILY if every right-wing nut who claimed to support this war just marched down to the recruiting office and enlisted right now.

What do you say, nutjobs? John Kerry did it. You would want HIM to show you up, now, would you?

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