Monday, August 21, 2006

Lieberman calls on Rumsfeld to resign

Yes, I know: it seems pretty pathetic. The guy kissed up to everything Bush wanted UNTIL he lost the election. NOW he's suddenly desperate to demonstrate his liberal credentials. Despite the fact that Bush and Cheney have tacitly endorsed him.

"Lieberman, an early supporter of the Iraq war, said he had called for Rumsfeld to step down in 2003."

Isn't that a GREAT example of reporting? Lieberman SAID that he said it. Well, that's it, then, eh? If Holy Joe says it, it MUST be true.

How about the "reporter" actually FINDING A QUOTE where Lieberman says that? Or would that be too much like reporting, when they'd rather be a pack of stenographers? And, in the same article, they simply repeat a claim AGAIN:

"I've been very critical over the years, particularly in 2003 and 2004, about the failure to send enough American troops to secure the country, about the absence of adequate plans and preparation to deal with post-Saddam Iraq."

WHERE? Is it too much to ask that we not be expected to just take his word for it?

Does anyone recall Lieberman previously calling for Rumsfeld to resign? Or is he lying?

1 comment:

Vigilante said...

Bashing Rummy is the last refuge of the cowardly complicit and complacent, when the real deal is impeachment of Bush and Cheney.