Friday, August 11, 2006


Two days ago, Dick Cheney disgracefully said that Lamont's victory would encourage Al Qaeda.

What we didn't know when he said it was that he already knew about what was going on in England:

U.S. Knew Of Plot 'For Days'
Bush, Homeland Security, Lawmakers Were Briefed

If a Democrat had said something like that, the "liberal media" would have him on the defensive and apologizing within a day. But there is NOTHING that a right-winger can possibly say that will be regarded as over the line by our press corps. Nothing.

You know the old analogy of the boiling frog, right? How if you put a frog in boiling water, it will jump out, but if you put it in cool water and heat it a little at a time, it will sit there until it is boiled?

Well, these Republicans have so constantly and continuously indulged in filthy, over-the-top, disgrace that nobody even notices. It's EXPECTED for them to play politics with unimportant things like war and terrorist attacks.

The Bushites think that EVERYTHING is political and that politics is all that matters.

And that shit is hurting America.

And it's time that the stinking Democrats call them on it, publicly define what they are doing, frame it as the disgraceful action that it is, and demand that the Republicans stop hurting America.

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