Friday, January 16, 2009

Post mortem of the last eight years

What really bothers me about Republicans isn't what they stand for. It's that they don't stand for ANYTHING. They have absolutely no principles and no core beliefs.

See, they sometimes actually say stuff I agree with. But then, when push comes to shove, they don't mean a word of it.

For years, they've been talking about the danger of Big Government, and how we shouldn't trust the Government. I agree totally. We shouldn't trust the Government.

But once they got into power, they threw that right out the window, didn't they?

Once Bush took office, the same people who said we shouldn't trust the Government sat supinely while the Government created "Free Speech Zones" and said that we only had First Amendment rights if we were too far away for the Government to hear what we were saying.

When the Government said that they didn't have to respond to subpoenaes; that they didn't have to answer questions; that they should be allowed to operate in total secrecy and that what they did was none of the American Peoples' business - the people who once said we shouldn't trust the Government went along like docile sheep, and verbally attacked any American who had the nerve to say that we shouldn't trust the Government.

When Bush tried to invest absolutely authority in himself with absurd legal mumbo-jumbo called the "Doctrine of the Unitary Executive," the same people who said that we shouldn't trust the Government said that we must place TOTAL trust in the Government, or we were traitors.

The people who said we shouldn't trust the Government tried to stack the Government top-to-toe with partisan hacks who would do nothing but obey orders like automatons, and who would ask no questions and never differ.

The people who said we shouldn't trust the Government tried to prevent the citizens of the United States from having any say in the Government.

In the next four years, any time Republicans complain about the Government having too much authority, they should be laughed at and ridiculed as the hypocrites that they are.

When the rubber hit the road; when it counted; when it actually might have cost them something, the Republican Party turned out to not believe ANY of the stuff they claimed to believe.

They are the biggest lovers of Big Government and the greatest promoters of Absolute Government Authority in this nation. And they should not be allowed to pretend otherwise.

How the hell do they justify their actions of the last eight years? How can they justify trying to hand over all authority to a SINGLE human being? How can they justify trying to strip the American People of having any say over their own nation? How can they justify trying to turn America into an Authoritarian Regime - a nation in which the Bureaucracy has absolute power and the people have none?

Are they just going to pretend that it didn't happen?

How must it feel to have gutted all your principles for the sake of a failed, unfinished, childish human being like George W. Bush?

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