Monday, September 06, 2004

This is the sort of thing that they should stuff right down Bush's throat. The guy couldn't care less if what he says has any grounding in reality whatsoever, and there's a reason for that: he's never CALLED on the crap that comes out of his mouth.

"Raising taxes will stifle job creation. His [Kerry's] plan to raise taxes on those at the top end of the income-tax scale will raise taxes ... for the 900,000 small businesses and entrepreneurs who pay at the individual rate and who are creating most of the new jobs in our changing economy."
Now - why doesn't Kerry say, "Mr. Bush, why would anyone think that YOU know anything about what does and doesn't create jobs? You're the first President since Hoover to show a net job loss!"

Or would that be MEAN?

But it's that simple. Bush has no record. "Mr. Bush, you gave them that tax cut. So where the hell are all these jobs that they were supposed to create?"

It's the most obvious, simplest argument in the world.

So why don't I hear it?

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