Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Guess George doesn't have anything important to do:

"Bush Reality TV: Fishing With George!

It doesn’t get any better than this.

On Friday, Aug. 6, for an entire hour, you can watch President George W. Bush sit in a boat on a pond in Crawford, Tex., and fish for bass.

The Outdoor Life Network will air a very special episode of Fishing with Roland Martin, featuring the award-winning professional bass fisherman. The Bush family confidante (and official fishing pal of George père) will be tossing out gossamer line with Dubya in hopes of bringing in Billy the big-mouthed bass.

Does the President catch one?"

August 6. What a coincidence. The same day in 2001 when George read a briefing entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike in US" - and didn't interrupt his vacation.

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